Aromatic Pork and Apple Meatball Soup

This recipe is very similar to the method of the Chicken Noodle soup released last week but with different flavours working in it. You may decide to exclude the pork and chicken meat at the end if you wish.
For the stock:
12 x Chicken Nibbles
2 x Chicken Frames or Carcass
800gms meaty Pork Spare Ribs Bones
One Lime cut into four pieces – squeeze juice into the stock and add the residual Lime..
2 inches of fresh Ginger just opened up but no need to remove the skin
6 Kaffir Lime Leaves
2 x large cloves of fresh Garlic
1 x Granny Smith Apple and half a Red Delicious, cored and sliced into pieces
6 Coriander clumps stalks only (reserve the leaves for later)
One whole red chilli – split down the middle and seeds removed (This is optional but I like a bit of heat)
One Carrot and one parsnip chopped into chunks
Generous end of a clump of celery
500mls good quality Chicken Stock
500mls Beef stock
Water to top up stock
Oil and butter for searing chicken nibbles
For the Finished Soup:
1.5 Pork and Apple Sausages per person
1 x packet good quality egg noodles (or your favourite noodles or fine Laganelle al Limone pasta noodles, which have a lovely Lemon infusion that works well with this soup.)
1 x portion of Broccoli finely sliced
1 x dash of good quality medium Sherry
Julienne Carrot, Spring Onion and Sweet Peppers
Meat retrieved from your stock brew.
Sear off the chicken nibbles and pork ribs in a little butter and oil until they are browning up. Add the chicken frames and sear for 10 minutes. Add the ginger, garlic, Kaffir leaves and other vegetables and apple slices. Add Lime juice and skins and chicken stock then beef stock. Top up with equal quantities of water. Season with Sea Salt and freshly ground black pepper. Put the lid on the pot and after ten minutes turn the heat down to simmer. Simmer until the meat of the Pork Ribs is falling off the bones. This will take around 30 minutes.
Take the pot off the heat and leave to cool completely.
Drain the remaining stock and veges through a large sieve into another large pot. Extract larger pieces of chicken and the pork meat from the ribs. Refrigerate separately. Use a potato masher to extract every last bit of goodness from the vegetable slurry.
Allow the stock to cool and then refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. The next day you can remove any excess fat that has settled on the surface of the stock if you wish.
To assemble the soup:
Extract twice the required quantity of stock for the number you are feeding. Freeze the rest for another day.
Reheat the stock on a brisk boil to reduce the quantity by half. Now add loads of fresh chopped Coriander leaf, finely sliced vegetables and, if you wish, finely diced red chilli.
Simmer until the veges are almost tender – about ten minutes. Now add the little meatballs allowing 1 1/2 pork sausages per person. Allow the Pork balls to poach. Taste and season. If it needs a little Zing, add another small dash of Sherry.
Add your noodles. Then add the shredded chicken and pork meat. Just a small handful per person It is important not to add the meat too early or it will go to mush. Leave the meat quite naturally chunky, as it is if you gently extract it from the chicken carcass. Simmer until the meat is hot and the noodles are cooked.
Serve with crusty bread.