Pappardelle with Duck Ragu
- Preparation Time: 15 mins
- Serves: 4
- Cooking Time: 120 mins
- Ready Time: 135 mins
- Difficulty: Easy
250g Pasta Mia fresh Pappardelle
200g Sliced Duck Breast
2 tbsp olive oil
200g Tinned tomato
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 small onion chopped
1 stick of celery chopped
1 bay leaf
1 glass of dry red wine
80g grated Pecorino cheese
Salt & pepper
In a heavy saucepan heat the olive oil and add onion and celery. Soften for approx 10 minutes. Then add duck & red wine. Simmer on low heat for approx 20 minutes making sure it does not stick to the bottom. Then add tinned tomato, bay leaf and tomato paste, salt & pepper and leave to cook on low heat, covered for 1 hour. In a large saucepan with boiling salted water. Cook Tagliatelle for 3-4 minutes then drain and mix with sauce. Serve with grated Pecorino.