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Black Beauty Cottage Pie

  • Preparation Time: 15 mins
  • Serves: 6
  • Cooking Time: 40 mins
  • Ready Time: 55 mins
  • Difficulty: Easy

1 Red Onion peeled & diced
3 large Cloves NZ Garlic peeled and diced
½ tsp dried Herbes
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 large Mushrooms sliced thinly then diced
2 stalks Celery sliced thinly

4 Tbsp Aromatics Black Beauty Sauce
4 Tbsp good quality Tomato Passata
1 pot Leggos Tomato Paste
6 sliced Telegraph Hill Sundried Tomatoes
2 tsp wholemeal flour
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the topping
4 large mashing potatoes
1 small egg
2 Tbsp butter
¼ cup milk
Salt & Pepper to taste
½ cup grated Kaimai Mature Cheddar

Heat a heavy bottom pan on the stove to medium heat. Add the Olive oil, then the Onion and Garlic and Celery. Allow to soften but not to brown. Add the sliced bacon and cook for further two minutes. Add the Herbs. Stir. Add the Mince and allow to brown before adding the Stirfry. Reduce the heat.

Stir and allow to cook approx 5 minutes before adding the Mushrooms, Black Beauty Sauce, Tomato Paste and Passata and Sundried Tomatoes. Fill the empty Pasta pot with warm water and add to the meat. Taste and season with Salt and Pepper. You may want to add more water and/or Tomato Passata here. Allow to simmer over low heat for a further 15-20 minutes.

Once you are happy with the base flavours, sprinkle the Wholemeal Flour over the meat and blend in quickly. This will thicken the sauce and hold the pie together. Remove from the heat. Make the Potato topping.

Peel, chop and steam the Potatoes until soft. Drain and pop into a kitchen whizz. Add all other ingredients except the Cheese and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.

In a pie dish, pour the meat sauce in and allow to settle. It helps if the meat is not piping hot when you place the potato on top! Spoon the Potato over the top. It should be quite creamy and easy to spread. Sprinkle cheese over the top and bake in a moderate over until golden.

Serve with fresh green vegetables.

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