Silver Fern Farms’ herds are grass-fed, all year-round. They graze freely, with access if needed, to conserved forages like hay and silage.
The result of these practises is high quality, tasty, tender red meat, natural marbling and a fine, delicate texture.
Compared to grain-fed, grass-fed red meat: • Is naturally leaner, with less saturated fat and fewer calories. • Has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and a healthier omega-3 to omega 6 ratio. • Is higher in antioxidants, vitamin A and E and conjugated linoleic acids.
New Zealand’s grass-based system optimises natural resources and uses low-intensity farming practices to minimise environmental impact. Farmers utilise a natural abundance of rainwater, optimising livestock growth to match the natural grass growth curve.
‘Net Carbon Zero by Nature’ is New Zealand’s first certified grass-fed, end-to-end Net Carbon Zero red meat. The equivalent of 100% of end-to-end emissions have been absorbed by trees growing within the farms.
‘Whole-of farm’ thinking utilises all woody vegetation on farms to provide positive benefit.
Silver Fern Farms are supporting and incentivising their farmers to protect, restore and add to the amount of native bush and tree plantings. Gullies, riparian areas, fence lines, summer shade and shelter belts have been established so that farms are better able to capture carbon and become more biodiverse.
‘Net Carbon Zero by Nature’ means that the total emissions generated by each kilogram of product sold, need to be balanced to net zero, by actively growing permanent vegetation (removals) occurring on the group of farms that supply the product.
To achieve and maintain Net Carbon Zero by Nature certification, these emissions and removals are independently measured and verified, from plate to pasture. Silver Fern Farms are committed to reducing these emissions over time.
Net Carbon Zero by Nature* range is a Toitū net carbon zero certified production system and lifecycle.
This means Silver Fern Farms range is verified to the International Standards Organization ISO 14067: Greenhouse gases, carbon footprint of products, requirements and guidelines for quanitification.
Toitū Envirocare is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading, independent climate performance certifier. All stages of product emissions from the birth of an animal right through to how a consumer, cooks the product and disposes of packaging are measured.
To balance out those product emissions, Silver Fern Farms uses satellite technology and machine learning to help identify on-farm permanent vegetation that is absorbing the equivalent amount of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere.
They contract and purchase this carbon from farmers to account for all of the emissions associated with the range and being sold as Net Carbon Zero by Nature*. This approach rewards our farmers, who as well as producing top quality product, are actively caring for the land through their environmental management practices.